
SANS Holiday Hack Challenge

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There’s a door that needs opening on Space Island! Talk to Jewel Loggins there for more information.


Jewel Loggins

Initial Conversation:

Once I know the passphrase:

After solving challenge:


Useful AI Prompts


This one is straight forward after Active Directory is solved, the secret file contains what needs to be said in the speaker:

“And he whispered, ‘Now I shall be out of sight; So through the valley and over the height.’ And he’ll silently take his way.”

The tricky part, is that it is required to be said in Wombley Cube’s voice for MFA.

I went back to Space Island: Spaceport Point, as I noted down earlier in the challenge that Wombley Cube was there with an audio book. After downloading his audio book, I now have his voice. Searching the internet for AI voice creation, I found several sites that had the capabilities. After trying a few and signing up for a few, I found one site PlayHT which allowed free users to do the things I needed. I created a new voice profile with Wombley’s audio book, and then used that voice to speak the passphrase. I tried a couple of times before it sounded correctly, and submitted the mp3 to the gate a few times with a few versions before I was successful.

