
SANS Holiday Hack Challenge

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Find the first Gamegosling cartridge and beat the game


Dusty Giftwrap

Initial conversation:

After finding game cartridge:

After finding all three game cartridges:



Once I found the game, a web link to it is added to my items. By going to the web link, I can actually capture the rom file.

I played the game by using the B key to fire musical notes into the blocks in the QR Code. When you do this to a block that is movable, it will play a song for a short period while highlighting where the block is supposed to be.


I had to be careful pushing the blocks into place so I didn’t get stuck in a position where I couldn’t move another block into it’s location, but in the end I was presented a QR Code that when scanned, gave me the message to solve the challenge.

The biggest challenge is solving the last block which had to be moved outside the QR code to the West and down around the south all the way east to it’s position in the mid-east section.

After the last of the 7 blocks is in it’s proper place, I was presented a QR code to scan and get the flag to solve the challenge:

